Who You Gonna Call?

I ain’t afraid of no ghosts!! Well…I am a little afraid of ghosts, and if they were available, I would call the Ghostbusters. This fictional depiction of subject matter expertise brings up an interesting topic. How do you represent yourself in terms of your subject matter expertise? Are you the soothing expert that makes everyone laugh, are you…

Crisis Management vs. Crisis Leadership

I believe as companies and individuals we need to re-evaluate our viewpoint on crisis. Crisis Management is a term that is used frequently to describe how a company or household executes against a defined plan for a defined crisis with a desired outcome that benefits the company or the household and effectively completes when the…

Caution – Speed Bumps Ahead

Clearly not all of us saw the sign (Caution, Speed Bumps ahead) when we started driving down the road to recovery.  We are all anxious to get moving. What we really need to do as we start this new journey is to approach this by taking a page out of our personal history.  It is…