Fuel for Your Health Cohort

I’m so excited!! In exactly 1 week, Fuel Accelerator’s first Fuel For Your Health Accelerator will launch. The Fuel Accelerator launched in 2018 and has included accelerators in supply chain, artificial intelligence and is now expanding into health innovation by facilitating the first cohort centered around health tech startups. Fuel is dedicated to helping these…

Building a House of Innovation – Framing it Out

Framing out the house is confined by the foundation.  So too is the building out of an innovation center of excellence.  The strategy defines the portfolio of where you are going to look for innovation within the business and from the outside.  It is in essence looking at where the “white space” is within the…

Building a House of Innovation – The Foundation

Laying the foundation is the most important part of building a house and it is also the most important part of building a world class innovation organization.  This foundation is laid down during the strategic planning process.  It is important that the corporate strategic plan ensures that innovation is considered during the strategic planning process….

Building a House of Innovation – Introduction

I have spent a good part of my career either influencing, managing, or building centers of innovation across industries for fortune 500 companies.  Recently I was asked the question, “what are the high-level success factors/key criteria that create a high performing innovation organization?”  This is not an easy question since culture and mindset are two…

Contact Centers – Will they ever change?

I spent most of my morning swimming through the Contact Center of a retailer that will remain anonymous.  I went through a myriad of different customer service agents answering  questions that really had very little to do with what I needed, and re-telling my story each time. Believe me I’m sympathetic to these folks.  Having…