So, I have been getting my monies worth out of the Disney+ network for the last few weeks. I am a HUGE Marvel fan. I have a significant number of Iron Man Comic Books from farther back than I will admit to any of you here. So, as you can imagine I have been full on Marvel when it comes to Disney+.
I’ve seen and read several analysis on the leadership styles and leadership roles of all the characters in the Avengers, I thought it might be fun to share my perspective and if you are in the mood you can share yours as well.
Let us begin:
Bruce Banner/The Hulk – Brilliant intellect, quiet and reserved but wants to be heard and listened to. Very controlled but has some extraordinary anger issues in stressful situations.
Black Widow – A loner. A corporate like assassin that has climbed the ladder quickly and begins to regret the wake of casualties she has left behind. Leads from a place of guilt and is a reluctant peacemaker within the organization.
Thor – Self starter that focuses on the task at hand as he sees it. Not always the right task but means well. Believes he can solve all problems and will not ask for help until it is too late. Realizes he has leadership flaws and rather than work to improve them either self-destructs in a leadership role or abdicates his authority to other qualified leaders.
Hawkeye – The consummate family man. His own family and his business family both benefit from his demeanor and guidance. He is the teacher and the compass for both. He is battle hardened and knows that regardless of the circumstances if the family/team is with him they can overcome anything. Not one to lead through tragedy as regardless of the source of the tragedy he will always blame himself for the losses to the team or family.
Captain America – The calm leader who is fully invested in the vision and mission and is extremely righteous in the quest for success. Believes there is no gray area only right or wrong. Holds himself accountable for all failures and no successes.
Iron Man – The loose cannon. The “I know I am responsible; I will find anyway to make it work even if it involves ways that may be outside the accepted conventions.” A Pitbull when given a problem. A fully functioning narcissist that leads by tenacity and sarcasm.
At this point many pundits would start to prattle on about how these characters represent the various forms of leadership that need to be displayed based on the situational conditions. I call BS! The real leader is…Nick Fury. Part of the reason this is so correct is that many people forget that he is even part of the team. He is Director Fury. The title indicates part of his leadership style. He leads by surrounding himself with talent and then pushes, holds back, or releases the people within his sphere of influence based on the situation and what is needed. He directs, encourages, provides real feedback, and coaches his team members towards success and provides “air cover” when there are failures. He makes the hard decisions and sticks by them and he knows, without regret, that if it goes well no one will know he was there and if it goes badly no one on the team will be to blame. That is leadership.
Not sure you believe me? Take a few hours out of your busy schedule and watch the movies and then tell me, who would you rather see sitting behind the desk, who would you run through the brick wall for and who do you want to be known as when you take the reins of leadership?
Thoughts and feedback are always appreciated!
Until next time my friends,
Stay Safe…Stay Healthy