Please forward to your networks in the hope that our Medical Community hears our thanks and knows we care.
“Something many of you don’t know about me, I worked my way through college as an Advanced Emergency Medical Technician. It was hard but rewarding work. The training was great, and my best friend is still working as a paramedic in Buffalo, NY.
I worked with several great ER Doctors and Nurses back in the day and will never forget the impact they had on patients lives and on my own life.
These friends and colleagues are faced with some very hard times in the coming months. As first responders, front line doctors and nurses do not get enough credit. As we are all self-isolating and social distancing, they are exempt from these rules. They must get close enough to people to help those in need. They are risking their health, the health of their families and even their lives to help…us.
They will be forced to make decisions that we, as civilians, would not be able to make. Decisions about patient care, supply allocation, personal protection and any number of other life and death decisions you can and can’t imagine. I don’t say this lightly as I know the toll that this can take on one’s body and mind.
To my friends, colleagues and brothers and sisters I have yet to meet:
Stay safe, stay vigilant, stay healthy and THANK YOU!!”
To Tony and Cheryl, love you guys. You are my heroes.