It’s been a minute since my last post. I wrote a few but as I read them, I kept asking myself…” who cares?” To certain extent it was probably true in that with so much going on people are focused on the closest flame. But I think it’s more than that. I think we are all becoming slightly overwhelmed. Run the business, run the house, listen – to the kids, the wife, the family, the associates, the business partners, be empathetic, stay up to date, collect the rent, pay the rent. At the end of the day we are all exhausted and emotionally tapped.

Then I was pinged by a video put out by a friend of mine, @Ben-Saba Hasan. The video is scenes of him and his team dancing, (great cause by the way). 

Now I know it seems a bit weird that random video from a former boss at a former company, inspires me to post this short little blog. But, when I danced with my teammates on a zoom meeting for the Fuel 2020 Accelerator , and when I was dancing in the halls of my house, in front of the college kids that are home, the in-laws that managed to get here before NYC went sideways and my loving wife Robyn, they all thought I had finally snapped. It was worth it. They all asked the question: “are you alright?”

Well maybe I’m not but it was nice to be asked.

So, to all of you, my friends, my colleagues, humans and pets, those of us with rhythm and those of us without…ARE YOU ALRIGHT?

Cause if you are or even if you’re not it can’t hurt to dance a little.

And dance with all those people you have in your house, you don’t know the next time you will be together again. When you’re done dancing, be sure to ask them, are you alright? You’ll be happy you did, and so will they.