I’m so excited!!
In exactly 1 week, Fuel Accelerator’s first Fuel For Your Health Accelerator will launch.
The Fuel Accelerator launched in 2018 and has included accelerators in supply chain, artificial intelligence and is now expanding into health innovation by facilitating the first cohort centered around health tech startups. Fuel is dedicated to helping these startups succeed by providing them with access to other startup founders, mentorship, continued education throughout the program cycle, and many more resources.
As Fuel has grown, we strive to address the opportunities in our community. In that vein, we see the Northwest Arkansas Region as being a gateway for medical innovation in the United States.
So many of you reading this are aware of how the program has helped its cohort members and our key stakeholders. We look forward to upholding that tradition with this program as well.
The Fuel team is excited to welcome these eight companies to Northwest Arkansas from April to June. Their solutions range from AI platforms that detect diabetes to improving quality of life for elders to streamlined mechanisms for medical exams, data, and analytics.
The companies included in this year’s Fuel Accelerator, along with their location of operation:
o Ainnovatech – San Jose, Costa Rica
o Gheorg – Sydney, Australia
o Glooma – Braga, Portugal
o Lineus Medical – Fayetteville, Arkansas
o MatchRite Care – Kansas City, Missouri
o Momentum Health – Montreal, Québec
o Nytia Labs – Waterloo, Ontario
o Zemplee – Los Gatos, California
The unique aspect of the Fuel Family of Accelerators is that we are operationally focused. We don’t take equity or fees and we provide these growth stage companies with the knowledge and opportunities to interact with enterprise-sized entities in a manner which makes them successful.
I am thrilled to expand this support into the area of Healthcare where technology and growth play such a vital role within the industry.
I would like to thank my friends at the Startup Junkie Foundation for their partnership and unwavering dedication to the program, GrowthX for their continued program support, and all of our funding entities for continuing to believe in our mission.
I would also like to thank all of you! Many of you have had input into the idea of a health accelerator and have guided me in the pursuit of the why and what.
Someday one of us will say, “this tech that just changed a life was part of the Fuel for Your Health Accelerator, and I was a part of that journey!”